Happy Thanksgiving

SourI made sour cherry pie for dessert, how about you?


PeasThey’re flowering and we’re hoping to have fresh peas at our Christmas dinner.  We’ve been painting them at the same time we paint our tomato flowers.  Not sure if they need pollination or not but they’re planted right next to the tomatoes so no biggie deal.

Poor Timing

MoltingEdwina decided to molt right as it’s getting cold this year.  Sometimes the barn looks like a chicken massacre with all the feathers lying around.  If I could knit, I’d make her a little sweater.

New Toy

ToyJack chewed open and killed both of his wubbas on the same day last week so he got an early Christmas present.  Hopefully he won’t be able to tear this one up.  It bounces really crazy and he’s not as protective of it as he was his prior toys but that makes it easier to get it off of him after he fetches it.  Santa is bringing him a new wubba next month.  Shhh… don’t tell him.

One Of These Things Is Nut Like The Others

NutToday’s harvest from the raised beds inside the greenhouse included a bit of spinach spinach, tomatoes, peppers… and a hickory nut.  Since we’re not growing hickory trees in there, I blame a squirrel for it.  Probably the same squirrel who ate half of our newly planted broccoli plants before we buttoned it up for the season.


Feed Our chicken feed is being pilfered overnight again.  This is what we’re finding in the morning.  Something’s gonna get it…

Waiting At The Barn Door

WaitingOur chickens chatter and cluck when they hear me approaching in the morning to let them out in the yard and feed them treats.  They are really lovely at ‘good morning, glad to see you’.  They’ve been showing me it’s getting colder overnight here by huddling together on their sleeping roost (said the person who scoops poop every morning).  Winter is coming…

Baby Garlic

Garlic In WinterIt’s up and ready to face the winter.  Me, not so much.

A Holdout

RedOne little tree across the pond waited until almost everything else was dead to give off it’s color.  Showoff!

The Elusive Homegrown Salad

SaladWe did it, first time ever.  Customers at the farmer’s market are always asking for tomatoes in April and October, when lettuce is available.  Tomatoes ripen around here in July and lettuce is a cool season crop.  But we’ve got a few tomato plants in the greenhouse still going, despite extremely cold weather.  To keep them producing, we are hand pollinating the tomato flowers every morning.  Considering how tasteless grocery store tomatoes are, it’s worth the effort.

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