Trojan Rabbit

Today on the Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts blog I am sharing a Monty Python and the Holy Grail inspired project crafted from a small house-shaped shadowbox.

I Once Had A Green Watering Can

But three years ago a Carolina wren built a nest inside it and that was that.  Every year she comes back to the nest she built.  This year she laid more eggs than ever and when they hatched we got to watch her bring dead bugs to them.  Since it’s right outside the kitchen window I happened to catch the babies venturing out for their first flights and grabbed a camera.  If mom or one of the babies comes back next year, the nest will be there.  It belongs to them.

My Teenage Bedroom In Miniature

My latest project for Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts is a reproduction of my bedroom as a teen.  This project came together super fast and was super fun to work on!  It stands about 7 inches tall.


I had these posters! The record player was made from a miniature suitcase.

I sewed up a little bean bag chair for the stuffed animal. There is a chemistry textbook on the shag rug covered in a bit of grocery bag.

A few board games and Creepy Crawlers!

The bookcase has a pet rock, magic 8 ball, black and white TV, silly putty egg and a Green Ghost game (one of my favorites).
