A Vegas Recommendation

Brian and I got away for a quick Valentine’s Day visit to Las Vegas last weekend.  At our daughter Tracy’s suggestion, we went to Holstein’s in the Cosmopolitan Resort to try their milkshakes.  I had the Cookies and Cream shake, Brian tried their Campfire S’mores.  The Cookies and cream shake was made with whipped cream vodka.  The glass was dipped in vanilla frosting then rolled in Oreo cookie crumbs.  It was topped with about a cup of fresh whipped cream and a five inch chocolate chip ice cream sandwich.  The S’mores one was made with marshmallow vodka.  Both were to die for and no, we weren’t able to finish them.  🙂




Nine So Far

cuteWe have nine lambs so far this year.  They hang together like a little fluffy gang.  So cute!