
LambIs there anything cuter than a newborn lamb?

Snow Angel

Snow AngelJack just can’t resist making angels in the snow.


Snow dog Spa MamaWe’ve had 3 inches of snow in the past 2 hours this morning.  Jack’s been playing in the snow, the lambs are frolicking, there’s a path out to the hot tub and a batch of jalapeno corn bread in the oven to go with the big pot of chili I made yesterday.  Bring it on!


FrozenThe pond is iced over and we’re bracing for a big snow.  We have a winter storm warning starting tonight thru the next 3 days.  Should be interesting.  I made a huge pot of chili today and the champagne is chilling.  I think we’re all set.

First Lambs Of The Season

LambsThese little guys are twins and were born yesterday.  They’re both healthy and well taken care of by their mama.  A great start!