Miniature Party Bar

I made a miniature version of our potting bench party bar for Gypsy Soul.  It stands about 6 inches tall.  For more in-process steps, please visit

The bench is made of chipboard. It ships flat and is super easy to assemble using a little bit of craft glue.

I made some jar candles for the bench’s bottom shelf with polymer clay and a snip of black wire.

Loved working on all of the little bits for the top shelf! I even made a miniature version of my favorite cocktail recipe book, Death & Company.

Here’s the original. 🙂






Along Our Driveway

Every time I leave the farm lately I feel like Snow White.  The deer that found her way into our pasture two years ago loves hanging with our sheep and seems in no hurry to leave.  We now have a family of  five little fox babies hanging around by our mailbox.  At least the skunk is gone.