Broccoli Bouquet

BroccoliWe are really enjoying produce from the greenhouse.  I’ve been making stir fry and quiche with the broccoli we’ve harvested.  This variety is called DeCicco.  It makes small raab-like heads vs. the big ones.  The carrots are finally big enough to harvest and the kohlrabi finds it’s way onto our table often.

Feeding In Winter

Hay1Putting out a new bale of hay is a production.  The bales are stored outside of the pasture in stacks under tarps. Everyone needs to be put up, or else they follow the tractor and risk being crushed.  The sheep go in their feeding pen, the goats in the barn and jack in the tractor bay.  A brand new bale is a treat!



JumpLambs and kids spend a good amount of their day leaping and frolicking about.  After a few months, they become more ‘grounded’.  Until then, they’re fun to watch!

Snow Babies



Lambs In The Snow

10Can you stand the cuteness?

Lap Dog

Jack LapJack is begging me to throw something so he can go get it for me.  This is an activity he’d much rather participate in with Brian but I’m an acceptable replacement when he’s not available.

They Grow Up So Fast

LambMaya’s just two months old but is starting to look more like a sheep than a lamb.

Stink Eye

Stink EyeSavannah is probably our best mother.  This is her protective angry face.  She actually is stomping her foot at me.  Well, actually at Jack who is standing right beside me.  You go mama!  I’ve only been rammed by a sheep once, and it was a ram (duh) who wasn’t ours.  And I pet him on the head.  That’s a what not to do.  He put me on my ass.  I survived to tell the tale.  Don’t pet a ram on his head.


MoMo is CoCo’s little Buckling.  He’s hard to photograph because never stands still.  He’s a mixture of Oberhasli, Alpine and Nubian, all combined into a sturdy adorable little package.


ValOur newest addition, Val, smiles for the camera while mom keeps watch.

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